This is where we have the gymkhana in summer. A keen cross-country ski group groom the trails for winter enthusiasts. Every weekend, people gather to ski and have a soup, but once a year ski competitions and games are organized.
This year’s Tatla Lake Winter Fun Party even had a bit of sun to start with. It soon clouded over, but the weather could not have been better. A few degrees below freezing; no wind, and perfect snow. There was a big fire to keep everyone toasty.I’m not much of a skier – I have bad knees and prefer to snowshoe at home. For this event, I just come to visit and enjoy the fun. The first competition, tossing the chain saw, is always fun!
Even the little kids had a go!
That is what is so great in this community. Every event is for all ages.
The next competition was Board Feet. Three sets of straps on 2 x 4s hold the boots of 3 people. The key to moving forward is, of course, coordination. This group was the easy winner. It was the only one who kept together and didn’t fall over.The next group look like they are motoring along, but in fact they are in the process of crashing!
Kids don’t need organized games to have fun, though.
The last competition was tea boiling. Contestants were given four pieces of split wood, a bag of shavings, a hatchet, and a can of water. The first to get bubbles was the winner.