Mogens had taken the dogs up the mountains the day before and Badger has arthritis so he was tired and sore. We decided to put the dogs in the canoe.
There is another, smaller lake above mine, joined by a portage of about 100 metres. None of this macho carrying canoes for me. I laid logs on the trail so it is possible to drag the canoe. Right now patches of snow helped the canoe to slide.
At the head of the second lake we parked the canoe and walked to the third lake.
A lot of the trail was underwater.
And a lot of the trail was under snow
Most of the rest of the way was through sodden sedge meadows, where the first mountain marsh marigolds were struggling to bloom.
Surprisingly, Boundary Lake was open. The ice usually goes out several days after mine. I call it Boundary Lake as the height of land just behind the water marks the boundary of the Tweedsmuir Provincial Park.

On the way back to Nuk Tessli, we passed the eagles nest. It had been apparently empty on the way up the lake, but now an eagle was sitting. In my 23 years’ tenancy I have seen them sitting a few times but know of only 2 successfully raised chicks.