The days are getting longer – after all the new solar year is almost a month old. How short the days seem to get when the year is dying – how much longer the same day length seems when spring is on the way! The sunrises and sunsets have not been visible very often, but when they are it is possible to see how much the rising and setting points have moved. On the shortest day the sun sets to the left of the bare-branched tree. Two days ago it died against the south flank of Finger Peak.
There is still a lot of dull weather, but sunshine happens more frequently, and with the longer days I finally felt I could shove the generator back into its storage cave.
As soon as I was ploughed out for the second time, I made all the usual trips. Tatla Lake for laundry, dump and library, and Nimpo Lake (in the opposite direction) for gas and mail.
The store has an impressive array of icicles (showing that the roof is not well insulated.)
Since the snow plough came, the dogs now have a new favourite spot.
This morning was gorgeous.
How can I possible stay inside when it is like this! The road to hell is paved with good snowshoeing!
First down to the cabin near the river (the one that is for sale).
Then up the south bluff.
From the top one can see the lake across Highway 20
And from the end, one can look further south.
In deep snow years, moose often hang about around the river. There are lots of tracks, and here is the evidence: mooseberries.
The dogs were very interested in something down the bank. Next, Badger barked – and at that, out ran a moose.
What extraordinary leg movements they have. They seem to use their joints in ways that defy normal biology. But they are superbly designed to get around in deep snow. He ran up this steep bank like it was a ploughed, level sidewalk.
I can’t handle this kind of snow without big clumsy things on my feet.
Soon I dropped down to my neighbour’s road.
There were fresh moose tracks along there as well – and the big round footprints made by a wolf.
Just before I went off the road and back onto a snowshoe trail, I passed these old truck ruins. I see them and wonder about their history often. Mostly, they are uninteresting as a photography subject. Sometimes the light is just right.
And there we have it. As I write, the sun has finally cleared Finger Peak as it sets. A perfect end to a perfect day.
(Supposed to snow tomorrow.)