While Sarah was still here (see previous post) the weather started to clear.
A cold spell was forecast – first we got fog.
The sun, when it was revealed, set on the west side of Middle Mountain.
Last Monday, Sarah drove me to Williams Lake on her way home, and I picked up the truck. There was a hole in the sky above Finger Peak.
The mountain looks more pointy from this angle.
Then we were promised a solid week of sun without a cloud in the sky. And we actually got it! With night temperatures to Minus 24C (That’s about -5 American.) Day temps rose to about -6C, but the sun was fabulous. Often November is a dreary month but this spell has been absolutely wonderful.
The pond froze over at once.
In a couple of days, ice flowers formed.
The ice could bear the dogs’ weight.
The ice flowers were fascinating.
The little creek between the ponds is still flowing. It runs where the sun don’t shine.
Very soon, the sun no longer cleared Middle Mountain when it set. The rim of fire is caused by backlit blowing snow.
I visited the river after the first night of frost.
Bits of ice were already collecting along the edge.
It didn’t seem to bother Harry, though.
From the gravel bar I could look back to the river cabin. Quite a few people have answered the for sale ad. Most people are looking for a property that is less wild, though. Only two people so far have loved the place the way I do.
Today, after 6 days of identical weather, I went down to the river again. There was a lot more ice on it and it had spread over the gravel bars.
A different ice formation had formed along the edge.
I have not had much time for hiking, though. I have been working hard burning brush that was left by the road after windfalls or cutting trees for firewood. It was too risky to burn it before I left for the book tour. This cold, dry, fairly windless weather is ideal for burning. (Where are those wwoofers when I need them?) Trouble is, all the neighbours think the same and the air is as full of smoke as it was during the summer.
It made for some interesting lighting effects.
And the sun set red into the pollution. (The mountains are there somewhere!)