Tag Archives: jacob’s ladder


Back up on the Chilcotin, spring has finally arrived.

Because of the exceptionally windy winter and spring (the wind is roaring again as I write) the sand on the bluffs is freshly scoured.  In it Jacobs ladder…

And Kinnikinnick are blooming.

The morning light now colours the new bronzy greens on the cottonwoods and aspens

Things move fast on the Chilcotin, and in a couple of days, the colour is stronger.

Because it has been so cool, there is still a lot of snow on the mountains, and the McClinchy River is not up very much yet.  Usually, high water is at the end of May and the gravel bars are covered then.

Soon I will fly into Nuk Tessli for a couple of months, but now I can enjoy the mountains here, enhanced by the  extension to my window.

spring green at Ginty Creek