
I got ploughed out yesterday. I have 3 miles of road; it was a problem finding anyone to do the job as there is no one close by with a suitable machine. The first man I contacted lives half an hour west. He would have done it but he had a big welding job at the sawmill near Anahim Lake. The mill has been closed for a long time but is now being converted to metric. Two other people I have used in the past were both working down in Bella Coola fixing roads after the devastating fall floods.
Then I contacted Les Rolston, a man I had not met before.

He lives an hour’s drive east so I would be paying for two hours road time on top of whatever it would take to plough my road. He had a little bobcat and I was not sure how such a small machine could do such a big job.
Which shows how much I know about it! He was really fast! The whole job cost half of what I have often paid in the past. That is an impressive machine.

I hope I will be able to get some fresh vegetables, deal with my mail, and go to the library before I get snowed in again. More snow is forecast tonight and tomorrow, and still more on Thursday and Friday. Unfortunately the weekly produce truck won’t arrive until late today so the veggies won’t be available until tomorrow. Wednesday is also mail and library day.
Short post today as it has been very dull and I have had no sun to make power.