
Although I buy foodstuffs in bulk and reuse or recycle as much as possible I am still amazed how garbage accumulates.  The plasticized linings of dog food bags; the tough, molded coverings of tools; plastic bags that are ripped beyond use.  Wilderness Dwellers do not have the luxury of garbage pickup so must deal with it themselves.

Landfill Sites

Highway 20 has half a dozen landfill sites between Williams Lake and Bella Coola; periodically I visit the one between Nimpo Lake and Anahim Lake.

Anahim Lake landfill site
Landfill Site Between Anahim Lake and Nimpo Lake

The building in the background is the Share Shed.  People leave stuff in it that might be useful for others; not much there yesterday, just a tangle of kids’ clothes and a few battered paperbacks all smelling of cigarette smoke.  But it’s always worth checking.  I got the barrel for my stove from the large metal section.  (It was apparently the fuel tank from a big truck.)  Some locals refer to the place as the Anahim Lake Mall.

The pit for household garbage is behind the shed.  This area is enclosed by an electric fence to keep out bears.

electric fence at the Anahim Lake landfill site
Fence to keep bears from the dump

I can’t imagine anyone ever using the gate.  The dump is quite a distance from any habitation; surely no one would lug their garbage there on their back!

As I drove to the pit, about a hundred ravens flew off.  Their black shapes are very dramatic against the white snow.  I try every time I go to get a picture of this but have never managed it.

The eagles are the other scavengers.  They are less shy and they hang about on the trees close by.

Bald eagle at the Anahim Lake landfill site
Bald Eagle at the Landfill Site

One Woman's Life In The Wilderness