Winter Birds

Here are some of the winter residents that appear at my feeder.

black capped chickadee at the feeder at Ginty Creek
Black-capped Chickadee
mountain chickadee at the feeder at Ginty Creek
Mountain Chickadee

The two birds are the same size and look quite similar except the Mountain Chickadee has white “eyebrows.” It is the commonest of the two birds.

Other birds that are around now are: Great Horned Owls (it is their breeding season), ruffed grouse, and whiskeyjacks.  A daily visitor this last week has been a female Pine Grosbeak.

Female pine grossbeak at the feeder at Ginty Creek
Pine Grosbeak (female)

(The male is much redder.)

Last year the first spring migrant arrived on 22nd February.  It is always the Oregon Junco.  I wonder when it will come this year.

One Woman's Life In The Wilderness