Booksigning at Tatla Lake Library

Booksigning at Tatla Lake

Last Wednesday we went to John Schreiber’s Booksigning at the Tatla Lake Library.  John was promoting his second book, anecdotes of the area mostly around Tatla Lake and other parts of the Chilcotin, called Old Lives.  It is published by Caitlin Press.

Cover of "Old Lives"

John Schreiber

Here is John’s bio:

John Schreiber
Author of Old Lives

John Schreiber grew up in coastal logging communities and—for five formative, young years—in the North Thompson Valley north of Kamloops. He has worked extensively in the logging industry, in a mining camp, on a seine fishboat, in a pulp mill, as a parole officer and as a teacher-counselor for 27 years. Since the late ’60s he has walked, driven and ridden through the Chilcotin region many times. Now retired, he lives in Victoria with his partner, Marne. His earlier collection of stories from the Chilcotin, Stranger Wycott’s Place, was published in 2008 by New Star Books.

There was a fun turnout of locals, most of whom knew John.  The Author is squatting in the foreground.   (I can’t seem to make this text bigger!)

Booksigning at the Tatla Lake Library

One Woman's Life In The Wilderness