Canoeing on Nimpo Lake

It was the first time the mountains seen from the window at Ginty Creek had been clear and pink in the sunrise for quite a while.

Finger peak seen from the window at Ginty CreekThe new summer weather was not forecast to last, so the next day we loaded the canoe onto the van and went to visit Nimpo Lake.

Nimpo Lake

The Itchas seen from Nimpo LakeThis is a view from the upper end of Nimpo Lake with the Itchas in the background.  The Itchas is one of the volcanic ranges north of Highway 20.  By this time of year usually 50% of the snow has gone from these south-facing slopes.

The ice had gone out the previous Sunday, the 15th May, the latest one resident had ever known it in over 40 years of keeping records.  It is 2 and half weeks later than normal.

Ducks on Nimpo Lake

We saw a number of ducks, mostly scoters and pintails, but several pairs of barrow’s goldeneyes

Male Barrow's Goldeneye

And there were the inevitable Loons

loon on Nimpo Lake


One Woman's Life In The Wilderness