Building a Stone Oven Part Five


The stone oven at Ginty CreekThe side of the stone oven at Ginty CreekI wasn’t sure how to fit the chimney.  There wasn’t room behind the cookstove to insert the chimney into the wall.  So I figured I could run it directly through one of the lids on the cookstove top.

The original cookstove top had an extension that was designed to fit over a water reservoir.  It will be useful as a warm shelf to rise bread or for similar purposes.

side of Ginty Creek's stone oven with extensionI got the idea of building a stone oven from a friend who incorporated a Tulikivi soapstone stove into the house he built.  He installed it himself and got a special deal on it – it cost him only $11,000.

Our stove was made mostly with found materials.  The door and top were from different stoves but were free.  The chimneys pieces I already had – and they didn’t even need cutting!  The sand and rocks were collected locally.  The only cost was a little over a bag of cement – about $25 – and about 100 hours labour!

I let the stove I built in the mountains set for two weeks before I lit a fire.  Soon water was boiling out of the cement!  So I will not be putting a fire into this one for a while.  Soon I will have to go to Nuk Tessli for the summer (I am waiting for the ice to go out – like everywhere else, it is very late this year) so I don’t suppose I will be able to try it out until the fall.


One Woman's Life In The Wilderness