An early mountain hike

I tried to get above the treeline behind Nuk Tessli yesterday (22nd June).  Wiggly Creek meadow, which is about half way there, was still covered in snow.

Wiggly Creek MeadowIt was a cool, cloudy day, which meant no frost, and the snow was terrible.  It was sun-cupped and slippery, and you never knew if you were going to stay on top or crash to your knees or thighs.

I picked a route higher following a waterlogged sliver of open ground.  Wiggly Creek Meadow is in the middle left of the picture.

a waterlogged meadow above Nuk TessliI even struggled a little higher but had to give up.  Normally it is easy to get above the treeline at this time of year.

But in this bleak and sodden landscape, Mountain Marsh Marigolds were already blooming.

mountain marsh marigolds

One Woman's Life In The Wilderness