The Morning After (the snow at Ginty Creek)

The mountains were still hidden in gloom, but in the east a slit of clear sky produced a shaft of intense sunlight.

house at Ginty CreekA bit of mist hung about in the wetland surrounding the house, giving an etherial quality to the light.

morning lightThen, while the sun continued to shine,  it started to rain.

rain on the pinesThe light became even more magical.

morning after snow at Ginty Creek

morning after the snow at Ginty CreekThen a few bits of mountains appeared.

rainbow at Ginty CreekThey are now in their winter mode.

trees and moutnains at Ginty CreekLater in the afternoon it got quite warm.  Out came the butterflies.  Snow to butterflies within 24 hours.  How bizarre is that!  (This is a mourning cloak.)

mourning cloak butterflyThat evening the sun made wonderful strong lights and shadows again.

evening at Ginty CreekWhat a gorgeous day.   What a pity I had to work!


One Woman's Life In The Wilderness