The First Cabin at Ginty Creek.

When I arrived at Ginty Creek, I had nowhere to live.  I had 6 weeks between my summer tourist business and the fall book tour to get a weatherproof shelter ready for winter.  Fortunately I had some great help.  I have written a longer account of the struggle with this building in my 10th Book, Ginty’s Ghost, which will be published in the fall of 2012.  I lived in this cabin for 4 years.

cabin at ginty CreekTwo years ago I moved into my (very unfinished!) house.  I wanted to spruce the cabin up so I could rent it out.  The interior was not too bad…..

interior of ginty Creek cabin…but the exterior had never been sided.  With Marjorie’s help I nailed boards rescued from old barns on the property to the walls.

nailing boards on the cabinIt was hard to find room to swing the hammer under the eaves.

Marjorie under the eavesThis was the result.

finished cabin at Ginty CreekGinty Creek is just a small stream that flows on the other side of the property: the cabin is perched on a bank above over the McClinchy River.

The cabin above the McClinchy RiverAnd here is the view from the window.

View from cabin at Ginty CreekI still have work to do before the cabin is ready for rent, but I hope it will be available next year.



One Woman's Life In The Wilderness