Trip to Bella Coola

Yesterday was a lovely frosty Chilcotin morning.

Chilcotin frost

We set off once again to Bella Coola.  West of Anahim Lake, the road is no longer paved.  There are usually soft spots in the spring, but I have never seen so many as this year.  My own road still has a horrendous quagmire (which the new truck drags itself out of) and other Chilcotin residents are also having major problems.

Highway 20 potholes

Heading west from Anahim it normally takes about 40 minutes on Highway 20 to reach Heckman Pass at the top of The Hill down to Bella Coola.  The road climbs only about another 1000 feet, but there is a great deal more snow on the pass.

Heckman Pass
The signs to the right are almost buried.

buried road signs on Highway 20 at Heckman Pass

The first hairpin bend sign isn’t going to make it.

hairpin bend sign near Heckman Pass

Near the bottom of The Hill, however, we had a treat – new green leaves!

spring green at the bottom of The Hill.

Nearby some false box was blooming.

false box

And so were the mosquitos!

Anne and mosquitos

Anne and Wolf walked along the Esker Trail.

Esker trail

The forest is just over the hill from Ginty Creek, but it is a totally different world.

One Woman's Life In The Wilderness