April work at Ginty Creek

The wwoofers have been keeping me busy.  Anne and Wolf insulated the whole of the attic.  We could not put the boards on as the road to Highway 20 is still too soft in one spot for the lumber truck to come.

attic insulation at Ginty Creek.

I drove Anne to Williams Lake at the end of April as she had to go back to France, and Wolf and I made a start on filling the woodshed.  There was a lot of scrap timber lying around after I cleared the road.

An advantage of living in an unfinished house means that you can change your mind about where things go.  While the wwoofers were working upstairs, I addressed a dark corner of the kitchen.

Then I took some of the wall apart.

You can see a small hole at the top.  That was made by a flicker, a kind of woodpecker, trying to get in from outside.

Then – voila!

I’ve wanted a door there for a long time.  The door was made by a neighbour (who lives over an hour’s drive west).  The facing boards still have to be put on.  And another friend is going to make me a stained glass window for it.

It makes doing dishes quite pleasurable to have the early sun pouring in and listen to all the birds singing.  (I’ll have to build a screen door pretty quick, though: the mosquitos are getting active.)


One Woman's Life In The Wilderness