The leaves disappeared quickly but the early sun still painted a streak of gold by the river.

The last of the willow leaves looked like lanterns.

Now we were getting frosts. The single-paned windows on my new deck shelter created wonderful patterns. They never happen on the double glazing.

And the low sun set off rainbow sparkles.

Unsettled weather produced lurid sunrises.

And bits of snow on the mountains.

Sometimes there was unmitigated gloom

And sometimes rainbows.

I went to Bella Coola to pick up some groceries. The distance is a little less than going to Williams Lake, but it takes just as long – and is a much more interesting drive. East of the Bella Coola Hill is Green River. Even in the coldest weather it never completely freezes.

I was surprised to see goldenrod still blooming at the top of The Hill.

Down through last summer’s burn

The fall light was rich and created strong shadows.

There were still some fall colours at the bottom.

Vine-leafed maple.

A lot of the valley gets no sun in winter because of the high south wall. Humidity is excessive down there and as bits of sun hit surfaces they steamed.

This is the blueberry patch!

And here is McCall’s Flats looking north.

Back home, we had a small snowfall. The pond was trying to freeze.

A lone muskrat tried to sit on the ice. He kept breaking through. I have not seen so many muskrats this year.

The weather continued mild but it was often foggy and frosty.

The sunset point had often been hidden by cloud, but on this day, at the end of October, I could see that it had cleared Nogwon and was heading for Middle Mountain.

One Woman's Life In The Wilderness