Category Archives: Wild Birds

Spring Migration

51 geeseThe air is full of flying geese, precursers of the spring migration.  The redpolls instantly disappeared, but there are still one or two pine grosbeaks: they live here year round.

The hot weather brought a lot of “firsts.”

First robing singing.  (They had been around for a couple of weeks but the prior dull, cool weather did not inspire them.)52 robin singFirst song sparrow.54 song sparrow sing

54a song sparrow bestFirst chipmunk.  (It’s windy, which is why his fur is parted.)58 chippy bestThe chipmunks fight among themselves.  The one sticking his head up the back of the feeder is not too sure of himself.2 chippiesThe birds are not as frightened of the chipmunk as they are of the squirrel, but they are still cautious.59 chipppy and sparrowThe male blackbirds are reduced, but still argumentative,59a scrapping bbs. but they are also leary of the chipmunk.60 chip and bbOne or two female blackbirds have arrived, but the males beat them up so they usually come to the feeder alone.61 lady blackbirdThe first flickers are cackling, and woodpeckers are drumming (Probably mostly the hairies.)

Following these passerines are the red tailed hawks.66 redtail hawk 2

67 redtail hawk 3As the ice moved off the ponds, the ducks arrived.62 snoozing mallardsI am always amazed how small the little species of ducks are compared with the mallards.  Here is Mr Bufflehead.

63 mallard and buffleheadAnd with his ladyfriend.64 pr buffleheadsAnother tiny duck is the very handsome hooded merganser.55 hood mer

56 hood mer preeningHis ladyfriend is not far away.  She has her crest raised.57 pair hooded mergansersUnfortunately, another first is – mosquitos!69 mosquito best

One other migrant deserves a mention.  After a year of preparation, my new neighbours have finally arrived for good!  (Ryan’s Dad, in the middle, helped them move in.)70 neighbours