Category Archives: Wild Birds

Purple Finch

The other day I moved the bird feeder.  It was too close to the window and birds kept flying into the glass.  But I could not move it sooner because the ground was still too frozen under the surface to dig a hole for the post.  I added an attractive branch behind it to give the birds lots of different perches.

a branch behind the bird feeder at Ginty Creek

Today, this fine fellow took advantage of it.

purple finch at the feeder at Ginty CreekHe is a male Purple Finch.  His drab, stripey lady friends have been around for a while.

I couldn’t resist adding this cute picture of a junco.

junco at the feeder at Ginty CreekHe is not quite sure if he can dare to grab a bite of food because someone else is feeding.

chipmunk at the feeder at Ginty Creek

It was cloudy so much milder last night and the open water on the pond did not freeze over.  So first thing a pair of buffleheads were enjoying the rest stop.

buffleheads on the pond at Ginty CreekAnd there was a buzz at my kitchen window.  The first Rufous Hummingbird of the year.

male rufous hummingbird at Ginty Creek