Category Archives: Nuk Tessli

New Wwoofers at Nuk Tessli

On 16th June, Mogens left and 2 more wwoofers arrived.  The rest of the freight that had been stored in my van came on the same plane.

The Beaver leaving Nuk TessliAfter a couple of days’ work around the cabins, we set off to check out one of the trails.  There are generally trees to remove, cairns to rebuild, and brush to cut out after the winter.

Not far along, I was amazed to see some shrivelled party balloons! They said “Happy Mother’s Day.”  (Sam from France is on the left, Rachel from the US is on the right.)

party balloonsThe prevailing winds are from the southwest.  It is likely the balloons came from the western quarter.  The nearest inhabitant in that direction is over 100 kms away!  I have twice found the remains of weather balloons at Nuk Tessli.  But these are the first party balloons!

We climbed a little higher but soon ran into terrible soggy snow where it was hard to find the trail, let alone do any work on it.  We floundered through bog and flood.

bog and flood near Anvil Mt.Despite the miserable hiking, it was quite beautiful.

snowmelt poolUsually, by mid June, it is possible to hike everywhere without much difficulty but everything is so late this year.  We were glad to reach lower elevations, but one of the bridges close to Nuk Tessli was partially underwater.

L-shaped bridge near Nuk Tessli