Category Archives: Nuk Tessli

Mammaries 27th July 2011 Part One

We finally had a half-way decent day!  A couple of days before, a spectacular sunrise presaged more rain…

nuk Tessli sunriseBut yesterday, when we arrived at Long Meadow, the sun had hazily poked through the earlier overcast.

long meadow above Nuk TessliThe flowers had still hardly started – the lupins should have been in full display by now.

lupins on Long Meadow

There were a few things peeping through: red heather.

read heather at the top of Long MeadowAnd higher up, where the snow had lain late, the Mountain Marsh Marigolds were still prime.

mountain marsh marigoldsThe last cairn was a good place for a break.

Suzy at the last cairn