Category Archives: Nuk Tessli

The last big group at Nuk Tessli

I have been extremely busy this last week with the final big group at Nuk Tessli.  Funny how everyone wanted to come early this year – and it is a year when everything is so late!   I will still have clients, but most of the future groups are self-catering so I will have time to enjoy Nuk Tessli for myself.

For the last two groups I had a cook.  She was supposed to stay for this final week but events got in the way.  I sent an urgent email out for a replacement – and fortunately for me, French chef Sam of  sailing canoe fame had been let down for one of his plans so he was able to hitch hike back from Bella Coola and grab a ride on an empty float plane back to Nuk Tessli.

And finally we have had some summer.  The first morning of the last group’s stay we had another gorgeous sunrise.  There was a frost, and this made the mist rise from the lake.

Nuk Tessli sunrise with mistI also took a lot of photos looking the other way.

fog on a Nuk Tessli morningThe forest floor flowers are slowly coming out.  Here is the heart-leafed Arnica, one of 6 species of arnica in the area.

Heart-leaved arnicaWe also found several patches of the pygmy Lewisia.

Lewisia pygmaeaOn our first day we hiked up the rocks……

rock scrambling….to reach the Lookout.

the lookout at Nuk TEssliOur second day was cloudy and we canoed around the lake.

canoeing on the calm lakeOn the third day Sam guided while I did the cooking, and on the fourth we all went up the Mammaries.  That is what the next two posts will be about.