Category Archives: Nuk Tessli

Nuk Tessli August flowers

And now I am alone for the first time in 2 months.  I see and hear things more clearly when I am alone.  I can go for a hike at my own speed and not worry about anyone else.

The flowers around Nuk Tessli’s cabins are now at their peak (two weeks late, like everywhere else in the Pacific Northwest.)

mixed flowers in Nuk Tessli's meadowsCommon Red Paintbrush.

common red paintbrushfour paintbrushRed Columbine

red columbinewestern columbinewestern columbine from underneathPurple Mountain Daisy

purple mountain daisy

and the beautiful yellow globe of the Pond Lily.

pond lily at Nuk TessliThe little ponds where the lilies live are always full of electric blue damsel flies.
