This is just a collection of pictures of the ginty creek fall colours. No words are necessary. It was a wonderful fall – interestingly, the fall after the 2017 fires was also brilliant.

The fire in the background. You can see my neighbour’s roof but my house is hidden.

I made another trip to Bella Coola. Not such nice weather going down.

The colours are later there, but at the first switchback was a carpet of a grass species – don’t know the name but it’s always colourful.

And scattered around were vivid mountain ashes.

At Stuix, I met Tara Weir, an avid long-distance cyclist. We had corresponded by email and she would be the fourth cyclist I hosted who had come up the Bella Coola Hill.

She agreed to stay for a couple of days and we FINALLY got the firewood in. It had been a huge job for me alone. The road workers had also left a few holes that needed filling, and on day two we shovelled gravel (purloined from the forestry gravel pit.).

She left on a back-road trip via Chilco lake and Farwell Canyon. She had great fall colours all the way.

Hard on her heels came a man I knew slightly. He lives in Williams Lake, and this is the third year he has walked part of the Chilcotin pulling a hand cart.

He stayed the night – good choice as it absolutely poured rain. So, naturally, I put him to work as well!

The day he left was stormy – not too much precipitation here but wild clouds over the mountains and a bitter wind. The fall colour brilliance was over.