The aspen by the pond is always the last tree to leaf out. It is carrying necklaces of raindrops. A great deal of rain this spring.

The first of several families of ducks appeared.

The “golden willow” bloomed. I don’t know its correct name but the blossoms are a brilliant yellow.

And of course the dandelions.

Still plenty of snow up there, though.

The burned trees from last year’s fire make a vivid contrast with the new leaves.

The weather stayed cool and rainy. This was taken at Tweedsmuir Air’s dock on Nimpo Lake. Talk about treasure at the end of the rainbow.

Can’t go far in this blog without getting sunrise pictures.

Pat and Lee Taylor invited me down for the annual Precipice cattle drive. Here are the cowboys – two sisters and a neighbour from up top who rode down the day before. (Spring is always more advanced down there.)

The cows have been held in a corral and they need to be coerced through a gate.

Lee, the rancher, always goes ahead on an ATV. He calls and those that know the way start to follow.

And away they go for their summer vacation.

And here is our gracious host, Pat.

Back home, the greening was happening fast.

The aspen by the pond finally leafed out.

The continuously cool, wet weather, brought fog.