Ginty’s Ghost by Chris Czajkowski
21.95 plus 5% gst = 23.05 CAD
296 pages
408 grams
22.6 x 15.2 x 2.3 cm
Harbour Publishing September 2012
Ginty’s Ghost describes Chris Czajkowski’s “retirement” home. After more than two decades of creating and living in a high-altitude, fly-in eco-resort, Chris has purchased a derelict homestead in western British Columbia. The only previous residents, Ginty Paul and her father, were well educated and reasonably well off, but chose to live in a tiny shack with all their goats and chickens. Considered eccentric by the locals who provided a wealth of stories about her, Ginty’s dream was never finished. The place had been abandoned for twenty years when Chris moved in.
Illustrated by Chris’s photographs, this is an account of a resourceful and experienced wilderness dweller.

Hi Chris I just read your book Ginty,s Ghost.Quite enjoyable,Miss Paul[Ginty] wasmy teacherfor four yrs.from1958-1961 on Hornby island.I have many memories of her from those days.The stories and extracts from letters sound just as I remembered her.She painted potraits of my siblings and myself.She also spent hrs interviewing my grandmother who was 1/2 first nations.I think she painted her as well.She also read palms as well as tea leaves. Looking forward to reading more of your books.
Hello Chris, I have heard about you on radio when I lived in Bella Coola.
Do the bears ever cause problems?
I admire you for everything you have done.