It’s a while since I’ve posted a sunrise so here is one.

The trail camera at the edge of the 2021 fire informed us of our neighbours.

May was very dry after our low-snow winter but in June we started to get damper weather.

A local event I usually attend is the Tatla Lake gymkhana. The weather was cold and damp on the whole and I didn’t stay all day. Barrel racing is one of the more photogenic events.

The little ones’ mums always get a good workout!

Local flowers started to emerge. They were not as spectacular as last year but pretty nonetheless.
Silky phacelia

Penstemon procerus

And again, with Penstemon davidsonii in the foreground.


Blue-eyed grass. Actually a member of the iris family.

Star-flowered solomon seal.

False dandelion

And of course wild roses. Last year we had a cold rain just as they were about to bloom and it knocked them back, but this year we had a wonderful show.

A pair of chipping sparrows picked around for food.

And the hummingbirds found it hard to choose between the sugar water and the petunias. But only when the sun shone, which was not often.

Brief sun after rain.

One day I was headed to the post office, a 10-k drive, when I happened to hit the local cattle drive. All the ranchers have an area of range and they turn the cows out in the summer. The route this ranch uses joins my road 1 km from home. I thought the cows would spread out in the burn and I would be able to drive by, but no. I was forced to drive the remaining 3 km at cow-walking speed. Got some good pictures, though. The rancher has the blue shirt, second from left.

Great pics!! Love the bear pics and gymkhana pics…. Well, actually, ALL the pics!!