On the 10th July I took Caitlin to the ferry in Bella Coola. In view of our wet week – what kind of weather would we get? The mountains were all socked in on our way down the Bella Coola Hill, but surprisingly it was much drier down there than at home. This sometimes happens – the Chilcotin gets a north wind and thundery rain, but the wet weather doesn’t cross the mountains.
We visited the Big Cedar TrailOne of the trees had been hollowed by fire. This is what it looked like inside.
A slight drizzle was falling, and the leaves of the foam flower shone.
Devils club supported cones of berries.
A gleam of sun poked through the canopy.
Next the petroglyphs. Thorston Creek was beautiful as always.
Beside the trail I found a patch of orchids. I haven’t identified them yet. They might be the Western Coral Root or a hybrid between that and the Spotted Coral Root. They are more straggly and much later-blooming than the Spotted Coral Root.
I had expected the carvings to be glistening wet, but it was pretty dry in the forest here.
And finally, before I dropped Caitlin off at her couch-surfing place for the night, we visited Clayton Falls. Quite a bit more water in them than on my last visit.
I love the lacy patterns the water makes as it slides down the rocks.