Bella Coola again.

The travelling physiotherapist was making one of his trips to Bella Coola so I took advantage of helpful drivers and went down The Hill again.  It had been a month since I was down there before, seeing the surgeon on his biannual visit, so I did not expect there to be much of a display of the forest floor flowers.  But the weather had been so cool and rainy they were superb.

Stuix gardenAt the bottom of the above picture is a bunch of moccasin flowers or white mountain lady’s slipper orchids.  They were blooming in huge masses.

white mountain lady's slipper orchidA shrub known as Old Man’s Beard was in its prime.

shrub oldmansbeardSaprophytic pinesaps were pushing through the forest floor.

Pine sap(As you can see, it kept raining.)

We did get a few gleams of sun, and the wild roses smelled heavenly.

dog rose

dog rose close-upA month previously, I found only one queen’s cup out.  Now they made a starry carpet everywhere.  They seemed to really enjoy growing under western hemlock branches, which were most elegantly tipped with new leaves.

hemlock and queen's cup

Queens Cup


The physiotherapist will be back in 6 weeks.  I have never been in the valley at that time of year before so it will be interesting to see what is happening then.

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6 thoughts on “Bella Coola again.”

  1. Love your wildflower photos. Perhaps the recent rains will keep the fires at bay. We have had lots of rain in eastern Oregon just recently – – the mountains are lush !! Hope you are doing well…….

  2. As always, your flower photos aew supurb, Chris. I’m especially envious right now as we’ve had to cancel our trip to Bella Coola and the chilcutin because I’ve fractured my ankle. So much for hunting moon snails on East VI beaches too. We always look forward to your posts

    Joan and Roman.

  3. Love the pics Chris, hope you continue to heal. I know how tough it can be when mobility is affected – am presently on crutches from a bad ankle sprain. Makes even cooking a meal and basic self care a challenge. Also gives one a lot more empathy for those who live their lives with mobility challenges!

  4. Good to hear from you again. I hope the knee is less painful to walk on. Your photos are wonderful!

  5. I trust all is well with your recovery – slow but sure!. So glad to see you’re back on line – miss your news and pictures.
    We’ve had sunny & hot weather for the past 4 days, but today we have rain coming in from the east. At least we’re not in the shape southern Alberta is in!!!! The family we have there are in a high & dry area so are Ok. What a mess! Take care, Shirley

  6. So beautiful Chris. I bet you most of us would drive right on by and never see the beauty that you see. Magnificent photos!

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