A Walk on the Dunes at Ginty Creek and a Big Surprise

It is the last day of another heatwave.  The temperature reached plus 32C yesterday but we are supposed to have thunderstorms and cooling weather tomorrow.  Already high thin cloud is building up, which, with the haze of smoke that has been hanging around these last days, makes distance photography rather uninteresting.

However, I could enjoy the strange caligraphy of the dunes.  Like the snow, the sand isolates its components, which form interesting vignettes.

Horsetails (it amazes me that a plant normally liking wet ground should thrive on these sandhills)

Dead pine

Another pine that is, amazingly, still living.  I call it the spider tree.

Kinnikinnick had fruited copiously

The dead twigs often made circles.

So did this species of grass

The bones of some tiny creature.

But about 2 km along the top, I had a big surprise.  In many places, the dunes drop away down to the river.

The dogs were excited about something here, but it was a squirrel yap rather than a bear bark so I was not taking much notice.  But they were running on the scree and stones were cascading down.  Then, right at the top of the cliff, I was absolutely astounded to see a mountain goat.  (You can just make it out in the picture above if you know where to look.)

They are common enough in the mountains around Nuk Tessli, and I have seen them lower down in winter, but to have one here at this time of year is amazing.

He was stamping his feet at the dogs.  (The dogs couldn’t get anywhere near him.)

It was difficult to call the dogs off and I could not get away quickly. The only route was to pick a way back over the top of the bluff.  I knew the dogs would follow as soon as I drew away.   I could hear the goat pounding the ground.  I hoped he would not pound his precarious perch down the slope.

They really are odd looking animals.




5 thoughts on “A Walk on the Dunes at Ginty Creek and a Big Surprise”

  1. Oh, Chris, he’s beautiful. I hope he stays around, maybe with friends or family so that he shows up in your pictures again.


  2. Always enjoy your blog but especially love the goat pics. You captured its “critter character” and gave me a chuckle. You have quite the life!

  3. Hi Chris !
    This is a first on your blog ! They are weird looking, their heads are so much smaller than their bodies although he does have a nice even coat.
    I hope Mr.Goat got down.It almost looks like he got stuck because the ground underneath him gave way.Mind you I’ve seen goats get around ledges that seemed impossible to get around.
    I tried Google Earth last night to find your new place at the tip of Tatla lake and it was a tiny dried up puddle so I must have looked in the wrong place. I’m so used to seeing you on a lake.
    Happy trails to you,

  4. I had to snicker Chris, at your last sentence.The goat’s expression seems to say exactly that at what he’s looking at!!Awesome adventures at Ginty creek continue…

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