The following morning I had a bonus. Although the weather was still stormy, the camp was flooded with sunshine. Every lake that I could see, however, had its own down comforter of fog.
Just west of the camp was a small rocky knoll.
The view from there was wonderful.
I went up to watch the sunrise from first light (This is Mt Monarch)
to full light
The temperature was very close to freezing – the dew was stiff! So both I and the dogs were pleased when the sun hit the top of the rocky knoll.
It picked out the saxifrage and stonecrop growing among the stones.
I dropped down to a meadow just above the camp.
The vegetation was thick with the stiff, not quite frozen dew.
It was a fitting end to my wonderful camping trip. Thank you Doron, Badger and Harry for making it easy for me.
Beautiful pictures! Watching them made me feel like actually being ‘there’. I hope that I will be able to see all this beauty with my own eyes, some time. Thank you for these particular four posts. From now on, they will be my favorites
I hope your knees will not cause you too much trouble.