Two weeks after my road was last ploughed, I can drive it again.

The driver said he nearly couldn’t do it because of the snowmachines that had packed down the road. The next stage would have been to hire a cat at $200 an hour – it would have taken much longer and I would have had to pay for road time as well. As it was, it took an hour and a half. I will get the bill in a couple of weeks.
Now my yard looks like a city supermarket car park with piles of dirty snow everywhere.
I can go for mail again tomorrow.
Just finished reading your book Lonesome. Thoroughly enjoyed it but I am like Lonesome I like civilization and comfort more. It was well done . It does look beautiful there I will admit.
Excuse any ignorance on my part, but how come you don’t use a snowmobile to get to the highway?
Thanks for the blog and pics!
Simple answer: I can’t afford one.
It would also mean I would have to store my van out on the highway miles from anywhere. The snowploughs would plough it in and I would have a major job digging it out every time I wanted to use it. And it would be a big chore to haul 3-weeks’ water and a box of groceries home with a skidoo.