Jimmy’s Last Weeks at Ginty Creek

1 new sno 1The storms of late August left a thick pelt of snow on the mountains.  There has been a lot of logging below Perkins Peak these last two years, and the snow picked out the new cutblocks.

2 new snow cutblocksWe dodged the rain and picked a fine day to go down the Hill to Bella Coola.

3 top of hillIt was plus 2 C when we left home, but there was a good frost at the top of The Hill.3a frosty lupinAnd down we went.  Jimmy comes from New Jersey, and although he had visited Yosemite as a child, he had never really experienced mountains before.  He was awestruck at every turn.

4 The HillThe Bella Coola River.

5 bella coola riverWe visited the Big Cedars.  Much darker now that the sun was lower.  I was particularly fascinated by this rotten stump garden.

6 mushroom in stumpI took Jimmy to the petroglyphs.  The narrow beams of light were fantastic.

7 petroglyphsSome of the carvings are much less noticeable but still very beautiful.

8 faded faceNear the top of the valley is a bear viewing station.  I used to walk everywhere to see the bears, but most of the river is now restricted as too many people found out about the place and were behaving inappropriately. The bear viewing station is on a pretty part of the river.  People are contained behind an electric fence.

We called there on our way down the valley, but saw only fish.

9 salmon in riverOn our way home, we had just arrived when a grizzly lumbered into the water upriver.

10 bear 1

The park ranger announced that it was “Bent Ear.”

11 bear 2He wandered along the gravel bar towards us.

12 bear 3

13 bear 4

14 bear 5Quite close now, he entered the river again.

15 bear 6And casually swam downstream below is.

16 bear 7And strode off into the sunset!

17 bear 8Back home, Jimmy and I stuffed rocks into the gaps in the stone oven that the canoeists had helped us build.  Then, early one morning, we lit the first fire.  (The firebricks on top were used as a door.)

18 fire in ovenAt the same time, we made the bread.  It would take several hours for the rocks to get hot enough to bake, and by that time the bread would be ready.  Jimmy had worked in a restaurant before and liked cooking, but he had never made bread.

19 kneadingWhen the fire had been burning long enough, the ashes were raked out, and the baking stone mopped.

20 scraping out ashesThe dough was thrown in free-form, and about 40 minutes later …

21 bread in ovenNot many people can say that they baked their first ever loaf of bread in a stone oven they had built themselves!

22 proud jimmyI had been asked to speak at the BC Nature camp in Tatlayoko.  Another spectacular place.  It was a dull day but not too cold, and there was a lot of snow on the Niuts.  A minus 6C frost had started the leaves turning colour.

23 going into TatlayokoTatlayoko lake is over the mountain from Chilko Lake, and smoke from the fire hung around the headwaters.  (see a couple of posts before.)

24 smokey lake

25 NiutsJimmy’s time with me would end soon – I wanted to get as much work out of him as possible!  He had proved himself an indifferent carpenter, but he was invaluable for his strength and willingness to do grunt work – like peeling poles.

27 peeling

These were for the greenhouse.  The most important thing to work out was the placement of the door.  So I started with the door frame!

26 door frameUnfortunately, I didn’t get very much further before I had to take Jimmy to the bus station in Williams Lake.

28 greenhouseI won’t have time to do anything more to it for quite a while as, in 8 days from now, the first guests for my week-long housewarming party will arrive.  All I will be doing with my time alone is – cleaning!!!




5 thoughts on “Jimmy’s Last Weeks at Ginty Creek”

  1. Every time I see pictures of the Hill, I tremble and wonder how you manage to drive it regularly and I have renewed respect for your driving skills
    I also loved the bear pictures because you were brave enough to stay close to him. A great ending that he walked into the sunset.

    1. I was thinking the same thing- wondering what surprises will be in the house warming pictures, with all those helping hands around. 🙂
      …and that Grizzley, wandering off into sunset.
      How I enjoy these photos!

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